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Quality Improvement (QI) is about making healthcare safer; more effective, efficient, and patient centred. An increasing number of health organisations are turning to continuous QI to ensure the best possible patient outcomes, and many are now beginning to ask how to involve their frontline staff in innovation and QI.

In fact, it is become more widely acknowledged that doing so is one of the most effective ways of driving change:

One of the principles of creating a culture in which continuous quality improvement flourishes is that it should involve staff at all levels. Enabling staff to explore and co-create the process makes it more likely that the whole organisation will own the approach; responsibility for quality then ripples out to teams, reducing the pressure on one resource or set of people.”[1]

South East Essex CCGs

For NHS Southend and NHS Castle Point & Rochford CCGs, empowering staff to share their innovation and improvement ideas has led to benefits that have been felt across the board.

By running a 12-week pilot using the ImproveWell platform, they encouraged and enabled staff to identify and solve the problems that were being faced on the front line every day. As a result, staff have managed to reduce errors, save time, and make their day to day jobs easier.

During the pilot, every idea that was suggested was implemented, with 62% of these being “easy to implement”, and 46% considered “high impact ideas”.[2]

“With the NHS facing ever increasing systemic pressures, the need to continually drive forward quality improvements is essential. Taking part in this pilot was an exciting opportunity for us to drive forward our quality improvement objectives and to encourage staff to provide fresh and innovative ideas, to support continuous quality improvement.”

Andrea Bann, Primary Care Development Manager for NHS Southend and NHS Castle Point and Rochford CCGs

What is ImproveWell?

ImproveWell is an engagement platform focused on Quality Improvement. Through its three core feedback systems, managers can gather improvement ideas from frontline staff, measure and track staff sentiment, and regularly check in with their teams by building customised surveys.

To find out how ImproveWell can help you to engage with your frontline staff, helping them to improve their workplace and the quality of care delivered, get in touch today.

The full report can be found in the Health Tech Newspaper here.

[1] Kings Fund,


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