A workforce engagement solution for quality improvement in healthcare

Giving everyone a voice, ImproveWell makes it simple for organizations to capture continuous, real-time insight from the frontline to improve workforce experience, service delivery and the quality of patient care.

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Making change simple with 24/7 real-time feedback, ImproveWell helps teams and organizations achieve their improvement and engagement goals.


Track and boost morale and wellbeing at work with real-time insights, by asking your team how their workday is going.


Gather ideas for improvement, discuss or refine collaboratively, and keep everyone up to date with progress and implementation.


Understand what matters and see where improvements are needed with swift and straightforward survey creation.


Capture real-time feedback from expert patients, regular service users or partner organizations via customizable online portals.


Detect trends and pressure points, prioritize improvement efforts, measure change and publish reports to close the feedback loop.

Create the right environment for wellbeing at work and continuous improvement with the dedicated digital solution for healthcare.

Workforce wellbeing & moraleA happier, motivated workforce leads to:
- increased workforce satisfaction;
- lower sickness absence
- and reduced worker turnover.

Quality & service improvementFrontline insights and innovation leads to:
- better patient experience;
- improved outcomes;
- fewer errors and safer care.

Operational efficiencyOptimal use of scarce resources leads to:
- increased throughput;
- less duplication and waste;
- and less time per activity.

Cost efficiencyBetter financial performace thanks to:
- less spend on agency workers;
- reduced costs (both pay, non-pay related);
- and cost avoidance


See how ImproveWell is helping healthcare teams such as the Department of Orthopedics at the University of Minnesota drive change, together

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