South West Academic Health Science Network published an independent evaluation of the use of the ImproveWell application at Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust. The report demonstrates:
- ImproveWell boosts morale and engagement: 75% of staff using ImproveWell reported feeling able to improve their area of work compared to the 53% scored by the Trust as a whole.
- ImproveWell gives staff a stronger voice: 85% of users of ImproveWell felt it empowered them to implement ideas for change.
- ImproveWell helps to prioritise improvement initiatives: Staff have reported that improvements and changes were implemented at a quicker rate than before ImproveWell. Through ImproveWell, ideas get recognised and actioned.
- ImproveWell positively affects patient safety and experience, efficiencies and cost savings: The ideas suggested by staff have improved patient safety, increased efficiency, released more time for patient care, and have made significant financial savings for the Trust.