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Giving everyone a voice, ImproveWell makes it simple for organizations to capture continuous, real-time insight from the frontline to improve staff experience and the quality of patient care.

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ImproveWell and the IHI Framework for Improving Joy in Work in action

Royal College of Psychiatrists and ImproveWell 

The Royal College of Psychiatrists "Enjoying Work" programme, powered by ImproveWell to support teams across England and Wales to improve staff experience and wellbeing at work won the 2022 HTN award for Major Project Go Live. 

The programme achieved an aggregate 50% improvement in the percentage of people who enjoyed being at work frequently; a 41% improvement in the percentage of people who experienced no symptoms of burnout; and a 38% improvement in the percentage of people who were extremely likely to recommend their team as a place to work.

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“The ImproveWell platform is groundbreaking. I’m proud to have worked with ImproveWell over many years to support our work, both at ELFT and RCPsych, to ensure that our staff are able to understand what contributes to wellbeing and joy in work, put forward and test ideas that can make a real difference.” 

Dr Amar Shah, Chief Quality Officer at East London NHS Foundation Trush and National Improvement Lead for Mental Health at Royal College of Psychiatrists

East London NHS Foundation Trust and ImproveWell

ImproveWell and East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) won the Health Tech Digital Awards 2022 for the category: Best COVID-19 Solution for Mental Health for the "Enjoying Work programme which brings together teams to develop their own ideas and apply Quality Improvement to enhance joy in work.

In 2021, results from the initiative were published in a peer-reviewed article in the British Journal of Healthcare Management. In the first two cohorts of ELFT’s Enjoying Work programme, 14 of the 21 teams demonstrated sustained improvement in the percentage of staff who felt they had a good day at work.

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Peer-reviewed publication

A 2021 peer-reviewed publication in the British Journal of Healthcare Management demonstrates use of ImproveWell to support implementation of the IHI Framework for Joy in Work.  The article highlights short-, medium- and long-term programmes in four different healthcare systems, showing: 

- the effective application of quality improvement to create and enhance joy in work in four different healthcare systems;
- the benefits of involving staff in the process of understanding factors that impact on experience at work, as well as developing and testing creative ideas that can make a difference; and
- how utilising a digital solution to capture ideas and measure staff experience is an important means of engaging staff and enabling all to contribute towards a shared goal.

How it works

ImproveWell supports implementation of the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Framework for Improving Joy in Work, creating a continuous touchpoint with the workforce to drive change



Gather ideas for improvement, discuss or refine collaboratively, and keep everyone up to date with progress and implementation.


Track and boost workforce morale and wellbeing with real-time data, by asking your team how their workday is going.


Understand what matters and see where improvements are needed with swift and straightforward survey creation. 


Capture real-time feedback from patients or partner organisations via a customisable online portal.


Detect trends or pressure points;  enable data-driven decisions;  measure change; and publish reports to close the feedback loop. 

Hear how ImproveWell is helping healthcare teams across the NHS and beyond drive change, together


Creating the right environment for wellbeing at work and continuous improvement, ImproveWell delivers:

Improved staff experience

A happier, more motivated workforce reduces sickness absence and staff turnover.

Quality improvement

Frontline innovation and insight improve patient care and outcomes whilst also reducing errors.

Operational efficiences

Optimal use of scarce resources increases throughput; reduces duplication; and streamlines time per activity.

Cost improvements

Improved financial performance with less spend on agency staff; reduced costs; and cost avoidance.

Recommended by Nesta

In September 2024, Nesta, an independent UK charity focused on innovation for social good, published Health and social care: the ideas, outlining eight ideas policymakers should urgently consider.

As part of its idea to Make NHS staff wellbeing a strategic priority: improving data collection and transparency, testing wellbeing interventions, and scaling the ones that work, Nesta states,

“There is currently neither a sufficiently timely nor actionable picture of workforce wellbeing, or a strong mandate to invest in wellbeing measures.”

ImproveWell is cited as an ‘intervention idea’ – an idea that could be scaled up to help make NHS staff wellbeing a priority. The platform is mentioned as one that could be complemented by the rollout of one of Nesta's recommendations; an NHS Workforce Wellbeing Dashboard to provide more timely feedback from staff. 

Three ImproveWell success stories are shared in the report:

  • improved staff retention and morale at the Southern Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland, with dramatic declines in turnover and more successful recruitment, 
  • significant jumps in the number of staff who feel they can easily share ideas (from 57% to 91%) and the number of staff who feel their ideas were listened to (from 57% to 72%) at the Burns Service, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and


  • improved morale across the 38 teams who took part in the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Enjoying Work national programme. Weekly survey results showed a 41% improvement in the percentage of people who are experiencing no symptoms of burnout.

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