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Innovation is essential in driving any organisation forward. But innovation is not just about the big, ground-breaking ideas – small incremental improvements to a current way of working are as important. Indeed, WHO defines health innovation as ‘a new or improved solution with the transformative ability to accelerate positive health impact’; and IBM states that ‘any developments, simple or complex, that lead to improvements in health outcomes and patient experiences are healthcare innovations.’

ImproveWell recognises that those on the front-line are best-placed to understand the challenges faced everyday and to develop solutions. From micro improvements to breakthrough redesign, they are natural innovators.

ImproveWell drives innovation by providing a platform for the frontline to submit ideas for innovation and improvement 24/7. It creates a space to discuss or refine innovation ideas collaboratively, and keeps everyone up to date with progress and implementation.  From simple time- or cost-saving solutions to the large-scale evolution of a service or the implementation of a new technology to deliver better clinical care, now everyone can take part in innovation.

Download the steps on How to drive frontline innovation

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