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A happier workforce leads to improved performance, lower absenteeism and reduced staff turnover. 

Against a backdrop of increasing demand for care, the healthcare sector is facing a clear and pressing workforce challenge impacting staff experience and the quality and cost of patient care. Retaining staff is crucial, now more than ever. 

ImproveWell makes it simple for organisations to capture continuous, real-time, actionable insight from the frontline to improve staff experience and the quality of patient care. Boosting morale and empowering the frontline to drive change, everyone can suggest ideas for improvement, share how their workday is going, and complete pulse surveys – 24/7.

ImproveWell supports many of the core drivers of retention, from engaging and empowering the workforce; giving staff the agency to improve quality of care; creating a sense of belonging and ownership through listening cultures. An analysis undertaken for our recent whitepaper on workforce retention showed that 94% of the ideas submitted via the ImproveWell platform relate to a core driver of retention.*By using ImproveWell organisations can improve staff experience and retention through capturing and implementing ideas related to these drivers. 

*Delivering our promise to staff – engage, empower, retain

Download the steps on How to improve staff experience and retention


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